Brain Games Pay Attention Reaction Report




Reaction Report Assignment Instructions

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These reports are your thoughts on an assigned video within each unit.  There will be more than one video to choose from, and all videos will cover a topic or concept contained in the unit.  You are only required to watch one video to write about, however you are more than welcome to watch (and write about) more than one of the assigned videos for a given unit. The videos assigned for the reactions reports can be found within the Content section of the class, within the individual units.  They are located under the header ”reaction report video links”.  These videos are separate from those required for the video discussions. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any trouble locating or accessing one of the videos.Video is below

1. Was the material understandable?

2. Did the information from the video help you to better understand some of the concepts covered within the unit?

3. Are there ways you can relate the information to everyday life?

4. What are the implications of the information?

5. How did you feel about the topic – agree or disagree?

6. Do you have any critiques regarding the topic or information presented in the video?

7. Do you have any questions regarding the information presented in the video?

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