Averys Case Murderer Procedure allegations

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  • Episode 7, Making a Murderer

Procedure: Marc Lebeau from the FBI testified in court that EDTA was not detected in the three blood samples he tested. Does this conclusively prove that the blood wasn’t planted?

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Behavior: Existence of physical evidence, and the presentation of the forensic analysis of such evidence, are of evidentiary importance, particularly in the absence of corroborating witness testimony. Why would the state not put Brendan Dassey on the stand to testify against Steven Avery?

  • Episode 8, Making a Murderer

Procedure: What value and role do closing arguments have in the courtroom process? Assess the nature and impact of the closing arguments provided by both the state and the defense in this week’s episode.

Behavior: What did Prosecutor Ken Kratz mean when he said, “Reasonable doubt is for innocent people?” At that time, he was speaking directly to the jury. What message/inference was he attempting to get across to the jurors?

seperate document

Choose either the Dassey case or the Avery case and offer one to two solid paragraphs detailing your preliminary theory of the case. Identify whether you think the alleged offender is guilty, and what evidence is most compelling to lead you to this preliminary conclusion. Attach a Word document (double spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12) as your completed work.

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