attentional and interpretive bias 1

Think back to the period of time following the attacks on New York’s World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. If you happened to travel by airplane during that time, did you experience a higher degree of anxiety than you might normally have? If you did not fly during that period, imagine how flying might have felt in terms of anxiety levels.

How might anxiety affect the way that you and your fellow passengers view one another within the context of a situation involving such attacks? Do you think that you would pay more attention to other travelers? Might certain behaviors seem more suspicious? These are examples of attentional and interpretive bias. These examples demonstrate how mood can affect memory and learning.

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For this Discussion, consider additional examples of effects of mood on memory and learning. Consider how anxiety or depression can influence attentional and interpretive bias.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post two ways mood might affect memory and learning and explain how. Explain one way that anxiety or depression can influence attentional and interpretive bias. Provide examples to support your response. Justify your response using the Learning Resources and current literature.

Support your response using at least scholarly 3 references. APA Format. 2-3 paragraphs.

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