Assignment: Therapeutic Techniques With Children and Adolescents




Therapeutic interventions used with children and adolescents are sometimes different from therapeutic approaches used with adults. Usually adults can engage in an open dialogue about the issues that bring them into counseling. Children and adolescents, however, may be less likely to speak openly or less directly about their issues, so counselors must consider using therapeutic techniques that are more appropriate for that developmental stage.

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For this assignment, review the media program Introduction to Child and Adolescent Counseling: Getting Started. Consider the developmental stages of the child and adolescent in the media program and any concerns from a family systems theory perspective. Also, conduct an Internet search or a Walden Library search for at least one peer-reviewed journal article that presents a family systems theory and another peer-reviewed journal article that relates to the use of art therapy with children and adolescents.

The Assignment (2–3 pages):

  • Identify the behaviors that the child or adolescent is demonstrating that may be a concern to the counselor in the media.
  • Identify two techniques that the counselor used with the child and explain why these techniques were appropriate for the developmental stage.
  • Identify two techniques that the counselor used with the adolescent and explain why these techniques were appropriate for the developmental stage.
  • Explain any concerns (including any ethical issues) from a family systems theory perspective of how you might as a clinician choose an intervention as appropriate for the family.
  • Justify your explanations with evidence-based research.
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