Application: Intelligence and Achievement Assessments




Communicating results to clients is often one of the most important aspects of the assessment process. For this Assignment, reflect on the case of Jadine. Using the ACT results that were presented in her case and one other assessment that was used, draft a transcription of how you as the counselor might report the results to Jadine. Also include any questions you may anticipate being asked.

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The Assignment is a transcription of a hypothetical dialogue between Jadine and you as her counselor and should include:

  • Cover page (including your name, name of the assessment, person you assessed, date of assessment)
  • Dialogue should include:
    • The name and purpose of each assessment
    • Explanation of the results
    • Relevant information Jadine would need to fully understand the results
  • References for assessment used and any other material referenced throughout the dialogue

The transcription should not exceed 10 pages, including the cover page and references. The focus of the dialogue is to explain the results of the assessment and help Jadine understand what the results mean for her. Remember to incorporate ethical and multicultural considerations in the dialogue.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are required to provide a reference list and to appropriately cite, in APA style, all references used within your Assignment

Use the document attached to complete the transcript for the assignment


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