apaformat15 presentations16

This assignment will consist of using Voice Thread to present the major findings of your matrix analysis. It will be a 5-10minute presentation using a video or audio – with PPT slides. This should be a brief presentation of the gaps you identified, research needs and what the next steps will be on this topic.

MAX of 4 – 6 slides- Title slide (please name your title the specific focus of your project), Slide #1 PICO and why area of interest, Slide #2 Major Findings (be sure to cite the articles as you address the findings (use a smaller font for 1st author or use numbers given the space constraints), Slide #3 Gaps in literature, Slide #4 Research needs and next steps, Slide #5 References.

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PICOT: Is there any relationship between the decreases in the rate of falls in adult patients in hospital compared to increasing nursing staffing in past two years?

Presentation literature gap 5 minutes. Articles within 2

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