anova and critique of research




Part 1

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Use SPSS to answer the research question you constructed. Then, compose a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis in APA format in which you answer the following questions:

  • What is the null hypothesis for your question?
  • What research design(s) would align with this question?
  • What dependent variable was used and how is it measured?
  • What independent variable is used and how is it measured?
  • If you found significance, what is the strength of the effect?
  • What is the answer to your research question?
  • What are the possible implications of social change?

Be sure to include your data output with your analysis. See pages 533 and 534 in your Warner textbook for an excellent APA-compliant write-up of a factorial analysis of variance.

Part 2

The Assignment

Write a 2- to 3-page critique of the research you found in the Walden Library that includes responses to the following prompts:

  • Why did the authors select factorial ANOVA in the research?
  • Do you think this test was the most appropriate choice? Why or why not?
  • Did the authors display the results in a figure or table?
  • Does the results table stand alone? In other words, are you able to interpret the study from it? Why or why not?
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