act 470 ct 3

Option #1: Consolidation at Date Acquisition, Ownership <100%, FMV>BV.

Assume that a parent company acquires a 70% interest in a subsidiary for a purchase price of $1,078,000. The excess of total fair value of controlling and noncontrolling interests over book value is assigned to; a building (PPE net) that is worth $100,000 more than book value, an unrecorded patent valued at $200,000 and goodwill valued at $300,000. Goodwill is assigned proportionately to the controlling and noncontrolling interests.

Submission Requirements:

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Using the ACT470_Mod03-Option01.xlsx Excel spreadsheet in the Module 3 folder:

  • Prepare the consolidated balance sheet at the date of acquisition by placing the appropriate entries in their respective debit/credit column cells.
  • Indicate, in the blank column cell to the left of the debit and credit column cells if the entry is an [E] or [A] entry.
  • Use Excel formulas to derive the Consolidated column amounts and totals.
  • Using the “Home” key in Excel, go to the “Styles” area and highlight the [E] and [A] entry cells in different shades.
  • Review the grading rubric following this assignment, to understand how you will be graded on this assignment. Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.
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