evaluating online learning quality 0

Perform the following tasks:

Step 1: Read the following report:  Evidence of Quality in Distance Education Programs Drawn from Interviews with the Accreditation Community

Quality control is an area of specific interest for accreditation agencies that assess online education. The U.S. Department of Education has released a report entitled, “Evidence of Quality in Distance Education Programs Drawn from Interviews with the Accreditation Community.” This document identified red flag characteristics of poor standards of quality. *Review these red flags in the complete report*.

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Step 2: Post a response to the discussion board. Respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, include personal experience as part of your answers:

  • After scanning the report, post your response to the discussion forum about the red flags. Why do think they exist? What is currently being done to avoid these poor standards of quality? What else do you think can be done to ensure the same online standards of quality as the traditional classroom?

  • Locate at least one additional resource that adds support for the quality of online education and your ideas.
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