
A company wants to create 4 separate offices across the globe. The managers want to be able to connect these offices over the Internet, and they want to make sure that each network is available to each other. That is, they want the routing information of all 4 networks to be available at each site so that any employee can go to any site and work from it, but they are worried about passing traffic over the Internet and how to monitor the traffic for security and compliance reasons.

Please answer the following questions and requirements to write your 3–5 page paper. As you answer each question, you must provide support or evidence that will enhance and empirically prove your answers. Academic IT articles or real-life IT findings that are not found in journals or other academic sources must be used in supporting your answers. Please use APA style for all cited sources, including your reference page.

  • Discuss the latest implementations of routing protocols that would be used in the company’s wide area network and the Internet.
  • Where is each protocol used in a wide area network (WAN)? How does each protocol work in a WAN?
  • How would the routers help in monitoring passing traffic over the networks and Internet under safe and secure conditions? Provide examples of how it would be done and why it would be done in this fashion.
  • If you were able to recommend another way to build this network from the idea and requirements of the company, what would be your recommendation? Why would you recommend this alternative?
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