write a short piece on the topic listed above

 Submissions should be no longer than 250 words. We’ll use this sample in evaluating your application, so please ensure it is error free, thoughtful and unique.

The piece may not include the first-person POV and should demonstrate an understanding of rules for writing and composition.
Writer applications will be accepted or rejected based on similar criteria used for acceptance or rejection of articles submitted by approved writers.

Writer samples must exhibit the following:

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  • A strong introduction with an easily identifiable main idea high in the piece.
  • Proper use of punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure.
  • Correct spelling and grammar
  • Thoughts grouped and organized into paragraphs
  • Absence of the first-person POV
  • Original thought–NO cliches!
  • Inclusion of enough information to be useful to the reader and for the reviewer to determine where your writing strengths lie.


Blogging for Charity


Please write a short piece on the topic listed above.
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