Within your organization, upper management has decided that your department must be downsized, and it is up to each manager to begin preparing his or her team for the changes. One of the changes to be addressed involves motivational techniques. As manager

Within your organization, upper management has decided that your department must be downsized, and it is up to each manager to begin preparing his or her team for the changes. One of the changes to be addressed involves motivational techniques. As manager, you must research and understand various motivational methods to lead and implement change within your area.


Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you discuss the motivational methods you would use when introducing such a significant change to your organization. Address the following:

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  • Which three motivational methods would you as a manager apply?
  • What theoretical concepts from your reading support the points you are making?

Cite a minimum of three outside sources to support your position.


Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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