what predicts the sustainability of quality improvement programs in operating rooms

Select an issue within your practice area or from a nursing professional organization that you might be interested in researching. Please discuss if that topic might be best explored using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research. Please include what types of data collection methods would be most beneficial for your chosen method of research (surveys, chart review, etc).

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QUESTION: What predicts the sustainability of quality improvement programs in operating rooms?

GUIDELINES: Original responses to the discussion group question need to be substantial and significant and supported by at least one additional scholarly reference that goes beyond the course textbook. Any citation and references must be in APA Style.
Your essay will be at least 300 words in length.
All postings should contribute and advance the class knowledge of the course themes. You are encouraged to “get out of your comfort zones” when making your arguments. The reason behind this activity allows everyone to analyze work from many different perspectives allowing the critical thinking process to grow.

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