word to word tells me what i have to say in 20 minutes mediation based on the narrative and case study i send you

Word to word tells I want you tell me two (2) hidden Agendas: one (1) for Robert Johnson may say and the second (2) for Margaret Johnson may say.

After read the Narrative Mediation and the case study, put yourself in my position let say you are Robert and Margaret Johnson, in that mediation session what would you say for 20 minutes.

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When you write the hidden agenda put yourself in each of the person place. For example, let say you are Robert and Margaret Johnson tell me word to word in conversation what Robert and Margaret Johnson may say as accusations over the other person with the sole aim of winning custody.

Word to word tells me what I have to say in 20 minutes mediation based on the Narrative case study I send you.

Based on the Case Study I provide you, tell me what Robert and Margaret Johnson may say in the hidden agenda.

I want you to list some of accusations each parent may say word to word over the other person with the sole aim of winning custody.

In other circumstances such as drug, alcohol, and/or child abuse, I want you to list all possible thinks that Robert and Margaret Johnson may say or in order to get the primary custodial parents.

Make sure you follow all those instructions well. This RI Mediation project is very important to me. I hope you will give me a good job.

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