write an 500 750 words argument essay

Write an Argument Essay.

Prompt: Choose ONE of the following topics for your essay:

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1. When is military force justified?

2. Should parents be held responsible for the crimes of their children?

3. Should academic achievement be a primary concern for college admission?

4.Should YouTube comments be regulated?

5. Should countries drill for oil in protected areas to reduce gas prices?

You must choose one the essay options that I have provided for this assignment. If you submit an essay that does not respond to one of the prompts, your essay will not be accepted as an appropriate response to this writing assignment.

Please note: The required word length for the final draft of this essay is 500-750 words.

Research Requirement : To successfully complete your persuasive essay assignment, you must incorporate at least two sources (either credible online sources or library resources) within your work to support and advance your claims . DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA. Any Persuasive Essay Final Draft that does not incorporate research from at least two “outside” sources (sources other than your course textbook) will receive a failing grade .

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