Virtual Water Quality Lab




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Directions:  Participate in the virtual lab at


Follow the directions and do the experiments.  Construct a table and graph.  Answer the following journal questions on a separate sheet of paper and put the entire lab in a small notebook for grading.








1.What are the names of the species used in this experiment? Which of these species was the most tolerant of increased acidity in the aquarium? Which species was the least tolerant?


2.Describe how acid precipitation affects ecosystems.


3.What is an indicator species? How are indicator species used to assess pollution levels in the environment?


4.Suppose you are an ecologist studying the effects of acid precipitation on plant life. Describe an experiment you would perform in order to determine which plant species would be a useful indicator species for acid rain pollution.


5.How do the data represented on the Population Bar Graph compare to the data represented in the line graph titled Populations of Aquatic Invertebrates at Various pH Levels?


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