Unit VII Research Paper

Unit VII Research Paper 


You are asked to complete a Research Paper in this course. A Research Paper is an opportunity for you to practice and 

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improve your research and writing skills. Plus, it allows you to review the details that others have observed and 

researched in the industry. 


Using the CSU Online Library and your textbook, explore the topic of new IPOS of international companies and trends 

associated with cross-listing on multiple international stock exchanges (Tokyo, Shanghai, New York, London, etc.). Try to 

focus your research on recent phenomenon (include where the corporations are domiciled, industries, size of the 

placement, etc.). Utilize and document at least five unique references. 


Review articles and sources with specific questions in mind (i.e., Does this article support my topic? How does this article 

apply to my topic? How am I going to use the details of this article in my paper?). The Research Paper must meet the 

following requirements: 


ï‚· Be at least 500 words in length (not including the title page and references page) 

ï‚· Include at least five peer-reviewed articles 

ï‚· Use APA Style 


Format your Research Paper using APA style. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to 

avoid plagiarism.

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