The Link between Population Growth and World Health


The US Census Bureau reports that there are nearly seven billion people in the world (US Census Bureau, 2011). The increase in population size over recent decades has created, and will continue to create, environmental and public health concerns. A larger population consumes already limited resources and energy and creates more waste and pollution. A larger population also exacerbates public health issues. For example, a boost in population size can lead to an increase in rates of infectious disease, homelessness, and poverty.

Currently, different parts of the world have varying population growth rates. Population growth in more developed countries is slowing down. For example, between 2005 and 2010, women from North America had an average of only two children in their lifetime. However, population growth rates in developing countries are still quite high. Specifically, between 2005 and 2010, women from Africa had an average of 4.6 children in their lifetime (United Nations: Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2007).

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In this assignment, you will estimate future population sizes and their potential link to environmental health.

Using the readings for this module, Argosy University online library resources, as well as resources from reliable academic or governmental organizations, write a paper that addresses the following:

  • Estimate the predicted population size for the world in the year 2060. Be sure to justify your estimate as well as cite and explain the resources you used.
  • Identify a single disease that significantly increases in prevalence when the human population increases in size. Address the following based on this information:
    • Why is this issue likely to increase with an increasing population size?
    • Are there any countries in particular that will be affected by this issue more than others? What will cause this discrepancy?
    • How are food supply and nutrition impacted by the increasing population size? When considering nutrition, do you think some countries will be more susceptible than others? Explain and support your answer.
    • What are governmental agencies currently doing to prevent or mitigate concerns of inadequate food supply and nutrition because of population growth?
    • Based on your research, do you believe that these policies would change if the population growth increases dramatically by 2060?

Support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples.

Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc.

By Wednesday, February 27, 2013, deliver your assignment to the M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox.

United Nations: Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. (2007). World population prospects: The 2006 revision—Highlights. (Working Paper No. ESA/P/WP.202). Retrieved from

U.S. Census Bureau. (2011). U.S. & world population clocks. Retrieved from

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Adequately estimated the predicted size of the world population in 2060 supported by thorough research and in-depth analysis.

Examined a disease that significantly increases in prevalence when the human population increases. Provided a thorough analysis of the impact and solutions for tackling this disease.
Examined the impact of population increase on food supply and nutrition, including the difference in impact amongst various countries.

Adequately described efforts and policies of governmental agencies to prevent or mitigate issues of inadequate food supply and nutrition, including providing an opinion, based on research, on the future of these policies.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
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