Technology is always changing and mankind is always finding new uses for computers. You will create a presentation that shares…

Technology is always changing and mankind is always finding new uses for computers. You will create a presentation that shares your ideas on how newer technology will impact computing in the future.

In your presentation you should address the following items:

  • Discuss how you have seen computer and information technology impact mankind through your lifetime. 
  • Discuss how newer technology will produce career opportunities for you. 
  • Discuss how changes in technology will impact how computers are used in the future. 
  • Conclude your presentation with a summary of your goals and aspirations on how you plan adopt, use, and develop new technology.
  • Explain the meaning and application of computing and Information Technology.
  • Appropriately use Internet search engines, databases, and electronic libraries in academic research and preparation of papers.
  • Distinguish between academically sound and specious sources of information; use critical thinking skills to evaluate all sources of information for their contributions to a field of study.
  • Evaluate how newer technology will impact computing in the future. 
  • Explain the meaning and application of computing and Information Technology.
  • Appropriately use Internet search engines, databases, and electronic libraries in academic research and preparation of papers.

In your PowerPoint presentation

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