Student self-efficacy seems particularly important in challenging learning environments, such as an online learning environment where students lack the opportunity to interact with others and as a result can become socially isolated and easily lost
Student self-efficacy seems particularly important in challenging learning environments, such as an online learning environment where students lack the opportunity to interact with others and as a result can become socially isolated and easily lost (Cho &Jonassen, 2009; Cho, Shen, &Laffey, 2010).
Self-efficacy is a key competence belief in self-regulatory control processes (Schunk& Zimmerman, 2006). Bandura (1995) defined perceived self-efficacy as “the beliefs in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to man- age prospective situation”. In other words, self-efficacy is the belief of the capabilities of what one can do in a specific domain. Self-efficacy impacts task choice, effort, persistence, and achievement. It also influences academic motivations, learning, and achievement (Schunk & Pajares, 2002). From this point of view, students with positive self-efficacy toward learning in online courses are usually more motivated and perform better in these courses. Studies indicated that internet self-efficacy positively correlates with or predicts students’ performance in web-based learning environments (DeTure, 2004; Joo, Bong, & Choi, 2000; Thompson, Meriac, & Cope, 2009).
Learning motivation is based on the beliefs in one’s capabilities and the evaluations of the learning environment. The evaluation of ability and learning environment helps students to select a learning task and learning environment that are best suited to their abilities (Wood & Bandura, 1989). Students seeking to learn online require skills in information technology and computer self-efficacy (Compeau & Higgins, 1995). Barbeite and Weiss (2004) demonstrated that computer self-efficacy can be used to predict student computer use and whether they will learn well in computer-based courses. Potosky (2002) indicated that a high degree of self-efficacy transforms into increased motivation to learn.
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