
I.            [Attention Getter—Gain the audience’s attention by using an interesting and pertinent visual/audio (cite), or vivid narrative, or startling statement, or quotation (cite), or pertinent questions, or statistics or facts (cite)]

II.            [Clearly introduce yourself and your topic] [SLIDE]

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III.            [Credibility Statement—tell your audience why are you an expert on this topic]

IV.             [Audience analysis – This topic is important or of interest or beneficial to your audience because…]

V.             [Thesis Statement–Preview of Specific Topics—i. e. Today, I will inform you about >>>>>this problem<<<<<, persuade you how to solve >>>>>>>this problem<<<<<<< ,and the steps that you need to take to solve this >>>>>>problem<<<<<][SLIDE]



I. [What is the problem, why your topic is a social problem]

            A. [Evidence that there is a problem – According to…][Slide showing problem, stats, or graph]

1. [Give an example or explanation of evidence—where is this happening or to


                        2. [Give an example or explanation of evidence—where is this happening or to



II. [Reason change is necessary, why does this problem need to be resolved]

            A. [Evidence 1 – According to…][Slide showing problem, stats, or graph]

                        1. [Give example(s) or explanation of evidence—this change needs to be made to

help whom or to improve what]


III. [Barriers to change-why is it difficult for this change to occur]

A.   [Audience Adaptation 1—refer to your audience and relate to problem to them by speaking directly to them, asking a question, etc. Make it personal between you and the audience) [Slide of Audience Adaptation]



I. [How do you propose a change or general solution for this problem?]

A. [Evidence 1 – According to…][Slide of Evidence for General Solution]

1. [Give an example or explanation of evidence—this change needs to be made to

help whom or to improve the problem]

B.    [Audience Adaptation 2—refer to your audience and relate to the general solution to them by speaking directly to them, asking a question, etc. Make it personal between you and the audience and how this solution could help them] [Slide Audience Adaptation]

II. [Give step-by-step solution and specific logical argument of how to make this solution      

happen. Explain your practical solution with SOUND REASONING/EVIDENCE for why these particular steps are the right response to solving this problem)

A.   [Evidence—Step 1—According to…–studies, authors, etc. have shown that this solution can help solve this problem][Slide(s) illustrating Steps for Change]

1.     [Give a visual example or explanation of evidence—this change needs to be made to help whom or to improve the problem]

B.    [Evidence—Step 2 of the solution. i.e. According to…–studies, authors, etc. have shown that this solution can help solve this problem]

1.     [Give a visual example or explanation of evidence—this change needs to be made to help whom or to improve the problem]

C.    [Evidence—Step 3 of the solution—i.e. According to…–studies, authors, etc. have shown that this solution can help solve this problem]

1.     [Give a visual example or explanation of evidence—this change needs to be made to help whom or to improve the problem]



I.[Visualize the results. What will be the impact of the changes? What are the reasons and advantages why these steps/solution should be implemented]

A.   [Imagine if you do this…what the outcome will be]

1. [Imagine if you do this…what the outcome will be][Slide, visual or photo of results]

                        2. [Imagine if you do this…what the outcome will be]

B. [Audience Adaptation3–Show how these changes help/benefit your audience]

1.     [i.e. Imagine how this will benefit you…][Slide, visual or photo of results]

2.     [i.e. Imagine how this will benefit you…]

Transition: For all these reasons…


I.[Explain to audience what action to take to make this change a reality. i.e. I URGE YOU

TO…call congressman, go to website, sign your petition, sign a promise for yourself, etc.] [Slide urging them to act]

A.   [Pass out something tangible for them to remember to do what you want them to do (flyer with website, petition, honor/promise statement, phone #s, steps to take to create solution, etc.)]


I.               [Signal conclusion—i.e. In conclusion,…]

II.             [Restate the Thesis]

III.           [Vivid Ending – Leave your audience with something to think about. A memorable close that refers back to the attention getter creates psychological unity for your audience and solving this important problem with their action.]

IV.           [Thank audience]


[References start on a new page.

Include EVERY SOURCE of information you used to prepare your speech.

Every source you use in your preparation outline must be cited in-text in APA format AND properly cited on your references page.

 Be sure to include copies of your sources, organized in the same order as your bibliography/references]








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