1. Polling and Media



  1. Platforms Overtaken


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Possible references



    • Pearson Education Inc. (2013). Political science: An introduction—Public opinion [PowerPoint slides].
    • Pearson Education Inc. (2013). Political science: An introduction—Political communication [PowerPoint slides].  
    • Siceloff, J. (Producer). (2003). NOW with Bill Moyers [Series episode]. Daniel Yankelovich on Retrieved From
      (In this video, “Bill Moyers talks with the survey pioneer recently named one of the 20th century’s ten most influential people in the area of public policy” (NOW, 2003, n.p.)).
  1. In order to successfully complete this week’s discussion, “Platforms Overtaken,” review the following PowerPoint slides and the following video:
    • Pearson Education Inc. (2013). Political science: An introduction—Interest groups [PowerPoint slides].
    • Pearson Education Inc. (2013).  Political science: An introduction—Parties [PowerPoint slides].
    • Clark, L. (Producer). (1989). Bill Moyer’s Journal [Series episode]. Leading Questions. Retrieved from
      (This video explores “the power of professional pollsters to influence public opinion” and consequently influence political parties and election campaigns (Leading Questions, 1989, n.p.)).


  1. Presidential vs. Parliamentary



  1. (Dis)Advantages for President/Congress


Possible references




    • Pearson Education Inc. (2013). Political science: An introduction—Legislatures [PowerPoint slides].
    • Ablow, G. et al. (Producers). (2012). Moyers & Company [Series episode]. Elections for Sale. Retrieved from
      (This video examines “how American elections are bought and sold, who covers the cost, and how the rest of us pay the price. Also included is an essay on the bags of money that campaigns drop on consultants and TV ads to affect and distort your point of view” (Moyers & Company, 2012, n.p.)).
  1. In order to successfully complete this week’s discussion, “(Dis)Advantages for President/Congress,” review the following PowerPoint slides and the following videos:
    • Pearson Education Inc. (2013). Political science: An introduction—Executives and bureaucracies [PowerPoint slides].
    • Clarke, W. C. (Writer). (2007). Congress: How It Works [Documentary film]. Retrieved from
      (This video “takes the viewer step by step through the various functions of Congress—in three parts” (Congress, 2007, n.p.)).
    • Ablow, G. et al. (Producer). (2007). Bill Moyer’s Journal [Series episode]. The Rise of Unitary Executive Power. Retrieved from
      (In this video, we investigate “the unprecedented presidential power that some say has been amassed by the Bush administration—and wielded, often secretly, in the name of national security” (Bill Moyers Journal, 2007, n.p.)).


  1. Expanding Government

    Expanding government programs means expanding government bureaucracy. At what point do you think the costs of the system (waste, inefficiency, etc.)  to operate will outweigh the benefits of government programs? Would you agree or disagree that at some point there is “too much” government involvement? Your initial post must be a minimum of 150-250 words.

  2. Justice for Life
    Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life. For what purpose do you think this was done for, and do you agree, especially given the longer life expectancies today? Your initial post must be a minimum of 150-250 words. Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings by Day 7.


Possible references


    • Pearson Education Inc. (2013). Political science: An introduction—Political economy [PowerPoint slides].
    • Small, M. (Producer). (2012). John Maynard Keynes and Keynesianism: Masters of Money? Three Economists Who Changed the World [Documentary Film]. Retrieved from
      (This video series examines three of the most influential economists of all time:  John Maynard Keynes, Frederick Hayek, and Karl Marx).
    • Greenspan, A. (2013). Never saw it coming: Why the financial crisis took economists by surpriseForeign Affairs 92(6), 88-96. Retrieved from
      (This short article by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan provides his perspectives on what caused the economic crisis of 2008).
  1. In order to successfully complete this week’s discussion, “Justice for Life,” review the following PowerPoint slides and the following video:
    • Pearson Education Inc. (2013). Political science: An introduction—Judiciaries [PowerPoint slides].
    • Claudin, C., & Mohl, S. (Producers). (2010). The Judicial Branch  [Documentary Film]. Retrieved from
      (In this video, we investigate the history of our judiciary and how it works in theory and in practice).



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