Sociology-Family Violence

The family has been called a “haven in a heartless world.” 


Despite the essential functions of the family, abuse of spouses and children is all too common.  What are some of the most important causes of these types of abuse?  Include cultural norms and values (attitudes and actions) that you believe help to prevent this type of violence and those that may actually contribute to it.  (You may want to look at media, social change and disruption, increasing anomie and normlessness, legal dimensions, etc.)   [For example, on the legal side, there is the “right to privacy” but also policies of mandatory arrest by police responding to incidents….etc.]  Please include the kinds of cultural “messages” that you are most aware of and the attitudes and strategies of abusers and the abused.  For example, advertisements often portray women as passive, vulnerable, and objectified.]

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200 words or more, due Thursday by Noon EST, please use lecture materials

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