• Write a 1,050- to 1,200-word paper in which you discuss the science of sunlight and stars. Include the following elements:


  • Explain how astronomical instruments help astronomers determine the composition, temperature, speed, and rotation rate of distant objects.
  • Explain the properties of stars in the diagram located in the “What is a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram?” section in Ch. 11 of The Essential Cosmic Perspective.
  • Summarize the complete lifecycle of the Sun, including its nature and properties.
  • Determine where the Sun is in its lifecycle.


Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Use the following subtitles for each section.


a. Introduction

b. How to Determine the Properties of Distant Objects

     (i) Composition

     (ii) Temperature

     (iii) Speed

     (iv) Rotation Rate

c. Properties of Stars in the HR Diagram

d. Life Cycle of the Sun and its Current Status

e. Conclusion


Each section (a – e) should contain 210 – 240 words. You would lose 10 points if you did not use these subtitles.


Please use the template available from the right column. Make sure to attach the output in html or pdf (not a screenshot) from the Plagiarism Checker to your assignment.  You may submit the checker result after the deadline (but no later than Friday) since it might take more time than you expect. Please ask Help Desk if you need assistance for downloading the checker result.

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