questions in pre-algebra

29 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses_x000D_
begin with that, which, where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word_x000D_
followed by a space and the last word of the adjective clause in the_x000D_
following sentence:_x000D_
    The doctor examined a man whose hands were colder than the rest of_x000D_
    his body._x000D_
30 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses_x000D_
begin with that, which, where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word_x000D_
followed by a space and the last word of the adjective clause in the_x000D_
following sentence:_x000D_
    Mrs. Carnack has a cousin whom she would like us to meet._x000D_
31 Answer: [removed]

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                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses_x000D_
begin with that, which, where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word_x000D_
followed by a space and the last word of the adjective clause in the_x000D_
following sentence:_x000D_
    Who was the person who won the track meet?_x000D_
32 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses_x000D_
begin with that, which, where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word_x000D_
followed by a space and the last word of the adjective clause in the_x000D_
following sentence:_x000D_
    The restaurant where there was music was almost deserted._x000D_
33 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses_x000D_
begin with that, which, where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word_x000D_
followed by a space and the last word of the adjective clause in the_x000D_
following sentence:_x000D_
    Find a boy whose eyes are green._x000D_
34 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses_x000D_
begin with that, which, where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word_x000D_
followed by a space and the last word of the adjective clause in the_x000D_
following sentence:_x000D_
    The tale that was told that night was never forgotten._x000D_
35 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses_x000D_
begin with that, which, where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word_x000D_
followed by a space and the last word of the adjective clause in the_x000D_
following sentence:_x000D_
    There is nothing that will satisfy his curiosity._x000D_
36 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses_x000D_
begin with that, which, where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word_x000D_
followed by a space and the last word of the adjective clause in the_x000D_
following sentence:_x000D_
    The song that came from the wren was like a tinkling bell.

29 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies a noun or pronoun. The clause above_x000D_
modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses often begin with that, which,_x000D_
where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word, followed by a space, and_x000D_
the last word of the adjective clause in the following sentence:_x000D_
    The fox that jumped the fence was large._x000D_
30 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies a noun or pronoun. The clause above_x000D_
modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses often begin with that, which,_x000D_
where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word, followed by a space, and_x000D_
the last word of the adjective clause in the following sentence:_x000D_
    The stranger picked the nearest house, which had a green door._x000D_
31 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies a noun or pronoun. The clause above_x000D_
modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses often begin with that, which,_x000D_
where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word, followed by a space and_x000D_
the last word of the adjective clause in the following sentence:_x000D_
    Which of the girls who laughed at the clown knows his name?_x000D_
32 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies a noun or pronoun. The clause above_x000D_
modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses often begin with that, which,_x000D_
where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word, followed by a space, and_x000D_
the last word of the adjective clause in the following sentence:_x000D_
    I don't know who built the castle where a dragon now lives._x000D_
33 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies a noun or pronoun. The clause above_x000D_
modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses often begin with that, which,_x000D_
where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word, followed by a space, and_x000D_
the last word of the adjective clause in the following sentence:_x000D_
    The woman whom we choose should be a strong leader._x000D_
34 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies a noun or pronoun. The clause above_x000D_
modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses often begin with that, which,_x000D_
where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word, followed by a space, and_x000D_
the last word of the adjective clause in the following sentence:_x000D_
    An eagle, whose feather this is, lives nearby._x000D_
35 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies a noun or pronoun. The clause above_x000D_
modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses often begin with that, which,_x000D_
where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word, followed by a space, and_x000D_
the last word of the adjective clause in the following sentence:_x000D_
    Paul Prokopf owns a cat that never sleeps._x000D_
36 Answer: [removed]

                    That is the house "where I grew up."_x000D_
The words in quotes make up an adjective clause. An adjective clause does_x000D_
what an adjective does: it modifies a noun or pronoun. The clause above_x000D_
modifies the noun "house." Adjective clauses often begin with that, which,_x000D_
where, who, whom, or whose. Type the first word, followed by a space, and_x000D_
the last word of the adjective clause in the following sentence:_x000D_
    Where is the general who will lead them to victory?
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