PROGRESSION II: Exercise #3 DUE: Wednesday 10/16/13 EXERCISE #2.3: involves ethnography, a genre of writing that uses fieldwork to provide a…

PROGRESSION II: Exercise #3 DUE: Wednesday 10/16/13

EXERCISE #2.3: involves ethnography, a genre of writing that uses fieldwork to provide a descriptive study of

human society. In this instance, your ethnography will help you to see your thematic idea in a real-world

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► Read the personal essay, “Two Ways to Belong in America,” by Bharati Mukherjee from your textbook.

Compare and make connections to the previous reading and artwork in this progression. Choose a setting where

people go and where you can sit and observe uninterrupted for at least an hour (for example, Starbucks, a

library, a park, the mall, a restaurant, a bowling alley, and so on); the setting that you choose should be

somehow thematically, perhaps symbolically, linked to the theme you have been working with.

Be sure to bring a notepad and write down your observations. Try to be objective as you look for manifestations

of the thematic idea with which you are working. Write a thematic analysis informed by your observation and

the personal essays that you have read.

Your ethnography should be between two and three double-spaced pages in MLA format. Follow MLA

documentation for any materials cited from the readings, including a Works Cited list.

Print and bring a hard copy to class.

Due Monday10/20/13 (worth up to 25 points).

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