Power Point presentation/assignment islisted


Create a professional competency presentation plan that answers the following questions:


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  • Describe your competencies and how they reflect your work culture preferences.


  • Do these competencies intersect with your potential career? Explain.


  • Why are the competencies important to your future career goals?


  • What is the industry outlook for your preferred career path? You can locate this information in the following places:




    • Job Market Research Tool in Phoenix Career Services


    • The Company Directories and Financials databases in the University Library (under Library Resources)




    • BLS.gov


  • Based on your activity results, what are three possible employers that align with your preferred career path?


  • What actions can you take either to improve your stronger core competencies or to strengthen the areas in which you are not as strong as you progress through each course in the program?




Create a PowerPoint presentation of 7 to 10 slides showing your plan for using your education to develop professional competencies. Be creative – use color, graphics and/or pictures. You will be graded upon content/presentation.  Have fun with this!




Include the following (first slide)




Title, GEN/200, Date, Name




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