Power Point Presentation – 3-5 Slides

In this assignment, take a few minutes to contemplate the world of business as you see it today, especially in light of the technologies that are evolving around us. Think, too, about the future of technology and how it could affect business.

Using PowerPoint, create a 3-5 slide presentation that demonstrates how the use of technology figures into how you personally conduct business. Include how you think you will conduct business in the future.

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While this assignment is wide open to allow you plenty of flexibility, be sure to address all of the requirements listed below to successfully complete this assignment:



  1. Assume you are sharing your personal viewpoints in a somewhat formal setting, like a classroom, where you are presenting to classmates.
  2. The presentation must include at least three slides, but no more than five.
  3. The first slide must include your name and the topic.
  4. You must apply a design theme.
  5. You must use slide transitions on all slides.
  6. You must include at least two pictures or clip art.
  7. Use the slides to only highlight key points, but include the entire speech in the Speakers Notes for each slide you are presenting. Yes, you must write a speech, but please keep the tone comfortable and casual – remember that you are simply sharing your views and impressions.
  8. Be sure to check grammar and spelling. Even a rather informal presentation must be delivered professionally.
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