Please see Research Paper Outline and Research Paper instructions in Description box for assignments.

Research Paper


Research Paper Outline

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Provide a detailed outline of your research paper.  This will be due first for review and will be completed for the research paper at the end of the course. Your outline should be at least two pages in length. Please include a fully developed introductory paragraph within your outline. This will help you to develop a clear vision of the scope of your final paper.


The outline will be due by July 24 (This is a separate assignment) and the research paper will include the detailed outline for the research paper.  The research paper will need to be completed by July 30.




Research Paper


For your final research paper, the topic will be Energy and write a five page minimum paper that analyzes the topic of Energy (Energy resources and Uses, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Power, Biomass, and Wind and Solar).


The majority of your paper must be researched from outside sources. Your

paper must be supported by a minimum of five outside references from credible sources (i.e., peer-reviewed journal articles, textbooks, Internet search, and governmental position statements).


NOTE: Unmonitored Web sites such as Wikipedia are NOT acceptable reference sources for a research paper; they may NOT be used in this course..


The paper will be a minimum of five pages in length, double-spaced, 12 point type, APA Style (title page and reference page are not included in page length).



The outline will be due by July 24 (This is a separate assignment) and the research paper will include the detailed outline for the research paper.  The research paper will need to be completed by July 30.

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