PHI101 M5A2 Discussion – The Place of Reason


Assignment 2: Discussion Question – The Place of Reason


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Kant sees reason as the only basis for any universal ethics. This gives little room for human emotions such as sympathy, empathy, happiness, etc. It also means that Kant does not count results or consequences as being ethically relevant. Please address the following:


  1. What are the strengths of basing an ethic entirely on human reason?
  2. What are the flaws of such an ethic?
  3. Develop an example of a universal maxim that we as citizens in a democratic republic ought to see realized in our own country. Choose something that is not already established in the Constitution such as free speech, freedom to worship, or freedom from unwarranted search and seizure.
  4. What role does human reason play in the development and maintenance of this maxim?


Post an original response to the Discussion Area by Sunday, October 9, 2016. Review and provide comments regarding the submissions posted by at least two of your classmates throughout the rest of the module. Be sure to include a reference in your response and in at least one of your replies.


All written assignments and responses should follow citation rules for attributing sources. Be sure to use good grammar and correct spelling in the response and replies. Please use the spelling checker available above the dialog box.


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