Part of a processing plant consists of a pipeline which carries a chemical with a relative density (to water) of…

Part of a processing plant consists of a pipeline which carries a chemical with a relative density (to water) of 0.7. The pipeline is circular in section with a diameter which changes from 200mm at inlet to 150mm at outlet. The outlet of the pipe is 12m above that of the inlet. The pipeline is required to carry a mass flow rate of the chemical of 100kgs-1, and the pressure at the pipeline outlet must be 2bar. a) Determine the volumetric flow rate of the chemical b) Determine the velocity of the chemical at the pipeline inlet and its outlet. c) Determine the pressure required at the pipeline inlet, in bar, to achieve the desired pressure at the outlet (2 bar) I am new to this so please show all working if possible to help me better understand the process. Thank you in advance,
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