Network Security – Types of Attacks & Malicious Software

Gem Infosys, a small software company, has decided to better secure its computer systems after a malware attack shut down its network operations for 2 full days. The organization uses a firewall, three file servers, two Web servers, one Windows 2008 Active Directory server for user access and authentication, ten PCs, and a broadband connection to the Internet. The management at Gem needs you to formulate an incident-response policy to reduce network down time if future incidents occur. Develop an incident-response policy that covers the development of an incident-response team, disaster-recovery processes, and business-continuity planning.

This assignment requires two to three pages in length, based upon the APA style of writing.

Use transition words; a thesis statement; an introduction, body, and conclusion; and a reference page with at least two references. Use a double-spaced, Arial font, size 12.

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