need help…. i need a draft for this project due friday (attachment of draft format)

To create an original Strategic Staffing Handbook that contains many of the vital tools used in the staffing process. Work must be original and written by the studentMinimal borrowed material is permitted (no more than 10% of thecompleted handbook, so plan accordingly for any borrowed material in the draft!) and all information used that is not your own thought or own words must be cited via APA for ALL sources used (textbook, Internet, etc.). The majority of the Handbook must be original—meaning written by the student. (Note: this is NOT an employee or HR manual; it is a STAFFING handbook that could be used by managers as a resource for the staffing process.)

Guidelines and Milestones

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You are the new HR Business Partner at a fictitious medium-size organization and it is your job to create an original (not copied from the text or other sources) handbook with many of the tools needed in the strategic staffing process. The body of the project should develop the following staffing tools:

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  • definition of strategic staffing that supports the requirements of the organization.
  • A description of the job analysis process and an example job analysis format.
  • The approach to posting a position and the related rationale for taking that approach. Plus, a short example job posting.
  • An example application form and an explanation of how it should be implemented and related reasoning for the approach recommended. Make sure your application form contains only legally permitted inquiries. (The corrected application form from Week 6 cannot be used.)
  • Layout the interview process: (a) what is the organization’s interview philosophy? (b) provide some examples of good (non-generic and legally acceptable) interview questions. You may use some or all of the questions from your interview questions assignment (Week 5) as long as you did not receive feedback that they were generic. The questions from that assignment, however, were specific to a position you chose so you may want to standardize them to make them broader in scope. In other words, you are giving managers good examples of, perhaps, behavioral and/or situational questions that they could then customize for various positions.
  • Describe the organizational philosophy and approach to pre-employment testing and assessment (performance, background/criminal, drug, etc.).
  • Include three additional staffing elements that you believe are important to the staffing process. [If you are experiencing challenges with the final section (three other staffing elements) try using the Index or Table of Contents from the textbook for ideas. That way you won’t accidentally include topics such as termination or discipline as these are not part of staffing.]

It is acceptable to use original information from your prior course assignments to help build this project (except the Week 6 Application Form). In the end, you should have a Strategic Staffing Handbook that you can reference in the future. Build this assignment for yourself!

Note that there is a tips and sample verbiage document in Doc Sharing that may help you get started on the Project. However, please note that NO verbiage from this document can be used in your Project.

The course project should be 10-12 full pages in length, double-spaced. 

Milestones: (note- you must use the required template in Doc Sharing for this project- for both the draft and final version)

  • The draft version of the project is due in Week 3 (approximately 25% of the work should be completed in draft form). (90 points).
  • The final version of the project is due in Week 7. (250 points).

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this  Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

Grading Rubrics

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Category Points Description
Documentation & Formatting 25 The project should have good structure as indicated in the best practices listed in this document. All resources used must be properly cited.
Organization & Cohesiveness 30 The final project should make sense to the reader from start to finish. The organization of the project should be logical and easy to follow without confusion to the reader.
Editing 20 Proofread the final project and ensure that each sentence is complete, the correct grammar is used, spelling is correct, etc.
Content 150 The content of the project is the key deliverable and is mostly found in the body of the project. All components of the project contribute to the final content.
Summary and Conclusion 25 Explain how this handbook can be used and the value that it brings to the HR professional involved in strategic staffing. What did you get out of this assignment? What did you learn?
Total 250 A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Best Practices

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The following are the best practices in preparing this final version of the project.

  • Cover Page – Include your name, course number, and the date.
  • Table of Content – List the main ideas and section of your project and the pages in which they are located. Any illustrations should be included separately.
  • Introduction – Your introduction should include the items below.
    • Introduce the subject and why the subject is important.
    • Preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.
    • Establish a tone for the document.
  • Body of Your Report – Use a header titled with the name of your project. Then proceed to break out the main ideas. State the main ideas, state major points in each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your project. Show some type of division like separate sections that are labeled; separate group of paragraphs; or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation.
  • Summary and Conclusion – Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing but presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they affect the staffing industry.
  • Work Cited – Use APA citation format as specified in the Syllabus. No more than 10% of the total project can be from borrowed material and must be properly cited via APA. Review the APA materials provided in the Syllabus and Student Resources, as needed. Your instructor may submit your work to TurnItIn. Any uncited material or excessive cited material (above the 10% minimum) can seriously jeopardize points earned (beyond the Documenting and Formatting section of the rubric).

Below are additional hints on preparing the best possible project.

  1. Apply a three-step process of writing: plan, write, and complete.
  2. Prepare an outline of your research project before you go forward.
  3. Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.
  4. Use visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of your report, such as illustrations, diagrams, and the like
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