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Question 5
The financial statements of
Tootsie Roll are presented below.

Earnings, Comprehensive Earnings and Retained Earnings (in thousands except per share data)
      For the year ended December 31,
      2011   2010   2009  
  Net product sales   $528,369     $517,149     $495,592    
  Rental and royalty revenue   4,136     4,299     3,739    
  Total revenue   532,505     521,448     499,331    
  Product cost of goods sold   365,225     349,334     319,775    
  Rental and royalty cost   1,038     1,088     852    
  Total costs   366,263     350,422     320,627    
  Product gross margin   163,144     167,815     175,817    
  Rental and royalty gross margin   3,098     3,211     2,887    
  Total gross margin   166,242     171,026     178,704    
  Selling, marketing and administrative expenses   108,276     106,316     103,755    
  Impairment charges   —     —     14,000    
  Earnings from operations   57,966     64,710     60,949    
  Other income (expense), net   2,946     8,358     2,100    
  Earnings before income taxes   60,912     73,068     63,049    
  Provision for income taxes   16,974     20,005     9,892    
  Net earnings   $43,938     $53,063     $53,157    
  Net earnings   $43,938     $53,063     $53,157    
  Other comprehensive earnings (loss)   (8,740 )   1,183     2,845    
  Comprehensive earnings   $35,198     $54,246     $56,002    
  Retained earnings at beginning of year.   $135,866     $147,687     $144,949    
  Net earnings   43,938     53,063     53,157    
  Cash dividends   (18,360 )   (18,078 )   (17,790 )  
  Stock dividends   (47,175 )   (46,806 )   (32,629 )  
  Retained earnings at end of year   $114,269     $135,866     $147,687    
  Earnings per share   $0.76     $0.90     $0.89    
  Average Common and Class B Common shares outstanding   57,892     58,685     59,425    
(The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.)  

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Financial Position
TOOTSIE ROLL INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES (in thousands except per share data)
  Assets   December 31,  
        2011   2010  
  CURRENT ASSETS:              
    Cash and cash equivalents   $78,612     $115,976    
    Investments   10,895     7,996    
    Accounts receivable trade, less allowances of $1,731 and $1,531   41,895     37,394    
    Other receivables   3,391     9,961    
    Finished goods and work-in-process   42,676     35,416    
    Raw materials and supplies   29,084     21,236    
    Prepaid expenses   5,070     6,499    
    Deferred income taxes   578     689    
    Total current assets   212,201     235,167    
  PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT, at cost:              
    Land   21,939     21,696    
    Buildings   107,567     102,934    
    Machinery and equipment   322,993     307,178    
    Construction in progress   2,598     9,243    
        455,097     440,974    
    Less—Accumulated depreciation   242,935     225,482    
    Net property, plant and equipment   212,162     215,492