Marketing Strategy Analysis

Assignment 1: Marketing Strategy Analysis

Select one corporation from the first 30 of the Fortune 500 or Global 100 corporations. Research its international marketing strategies. Identify the major elements of the strategy that you think make this corporation successful.

Write a report presenting a summary of the corporation’s international marketing strategies and your analysis of the reasons for its success.

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Write your report in a 3-page Word document formatted in APA style. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Pay particular attention to the distribution of the product to the ultimate user as you sell nothing without it.  Will it be a company owned distributor, such as a foreign subsidiary, a distributor by a their party, or a joint venture, for example.  Whatever form it takes you need to show it and how it works for the company you’ve selected.  The form must have “country presence”.



Assignment 2: Multi-Domestic and International Marketing

Select a U.S. product or service brand. Consider this brand’s potential for growth and achieving above-average returns by expanding the domestic market, entering multi-domestic markets, and going global.

Write a report about this brand’s possible strategies for growth and achieving above-average returns.

  • Describe the product or service and its current market.


  • Develop the essential elements of a marketing strategy for expanding the domestic market.


  • Develop the essential elements of a marketing strategy for entering multi-domestic markets.


  • Develop the essential elements of a marketing strategy for going global.


  • Write the report in a 2-page Word document formatted in APA style. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

 From the textbook, International marketing, read:

From the Internet, read: 

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