marketing assignment for 1700 words

Individual Assessment

This assignment is about planning a relevant and useful marketing research project.  You are not expected to carry out the research. 

  • Select a major Australian organisation (eg. Fosters, Telstra, BHP Billiton, Orica, NAB, Crown, Qantas, AWB, Australian Dairy Corporation, Woolworths, David Jones, Toll).
  • Identify a business decision relating to marketing (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Segmentation).
  • Formulate a research question that will provide information to assist managers in making this decision. 
  • Design a research project to answer the research question. 
  • Explain why this research approach will deliver a reliable and valid result. 
  • Discuss how the research answer will influence the business decision.
  • Discuss how the business decision will affect the success of the business.
  • You are expected to consult at least three journal articles to provide deeper insight into the ideas explored in your project.
  • Use of Harvard referencing to identify the source of all ideas.


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  • Clarity of description of the business decision.
  • Clarity and relevance of the research question.
  • Reliability and validity of the research project design
  • Discussion of possible sources of error and what can be done to reduce them
  • Clarity of explanation of how the research answer will influence the business decision.
  • Clarity of explanation of how the business decision will affect the success of the business.
  • Use of ideas from Journal articles
  • Use of Harvard referencing to identify the source of all ideas.
  • Marks will be deducted for poor layout and failure to include Title Page, TOC, page numbers, reference list.
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