literature review

Critically review the principle of ASET and RSET with regards to means of escape. The report should address as a minimum:  

The requirement of B1 of the Building Regulations.

ʉۢ A review of the principle of ASET RSET and how it is incorporated in to standard UK guidance.

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 â€¢ Example calculations (eg From BS7974, FDS or CFAST modelling, evacuation simulation such as pathfinder). 

• Discussion, analysis and conclusions  The word limit is 3,200 words (+/-10%). 



*You should follow the instructions strictly to complete this assignment .

Assignment Details

Critically review the principle of ASET and RSET with regards to means of escape. The report should address as a minimum:  

• The requirement of B1 of the Building Regulations.

ʉۢ A review of the principle of ASET RSET and how it is incorporated in to standard UK guidance.

 â€¢ Example calculations (eg From BS7974, FDS or CFAST modelling, evacuation simulation such as pathfinder). 

• Discussion, analysis and conclusions  The word limit is 3,200 words (+/-10%). 

This excludes footnotes but includes quotations. The word count must be printed on the top right hand corner of your work. 


• You must answer the question set 

• You must keep to the word limit of 3,200 words

ʉۢ You must demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes

 â€¢ As you construct and present your work, consider the assessment criteria  Presentation Instructions  It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is neatly and accurately presented.  

The work must be: 

 â€¢ Word-processed 

• Single sided

ʉۢ 1.5 or double line spaced

ʉۢ Ariel 12 point font

ʉۢ Justified

 â€¢ Page numbered 

• On A4 paper 

• Margins left and right 3cm 

• Attached to a cover sheet.  

Marks may be deducted for failure to follow these instructions.  Please look at the Student Guide to Assessment for more information.   



 All academic writing must be referenced. If you use other people’s ideas without referencing them you are plagiarising their work.  


Use the Harvard system of referencing within your text. This will take the form: surname, year of publication, page number, and is enclosed within brackets, for example (Bradley 1998, 277). At the end of your essay you should provide an alphabetical list of all the works you cite  


Use the Numeric System of referencing within your text.  At every point in the text where a reference is made, insert a number (in brackets or superscript) and then list the references numerically at the end of your work.  Plagiarism  The use of work produced for another purpose by you, working alone or with others, must be acknowledged.  

Copying from the works of another person (including Internet sources) constitutes plagiarism, which is an offence within the University’s regulations. Brief quotations from the published or unpublished works of another person, suitably attributed, are acceptable. You must always use your own words except when using properly referenced quotations.  

You are advised when taking notes from books or other sources to make notes in your own words, in a selective and critical way.  


 Your work must be submitted with a front cover sheet (detailing the module code and title, essay title, student name and reference number, word count, date submitted).  

The assignment should be submitted electronically before 4.00pm. The deadline for submission is 1st January 2015 Every attempt will be made to ensure that the work will be marked and available for collection by Friday 19th January 2015.  

The individual work is worth 50% of the total module assessment.  

Learning outcomes

This assessment will test your ability to meet the learning outcomes as described in your module booklet, specifically:  

1. Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving

 2. Exhibit creativity and innovation in technical design

 3. Critically review and analyse client and user requirements, technical briefs and apply significant knowledge to design scenarios, including relevant technological, engineering, legal, health and safety and development factors

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