
Instructions to Students
Use the exam submission instructions already given, except that you should single-
space your journal. Use double spacing between entries only. First, type the date, hit
(one-half inch), and type in capital boldface letters the word
followed by the number
and name of that entry. Hit
once, and then type in and underline the first part label
followed by your writing for that part. Then, do the same for any additional parts. Use this
example as a guide:
June 29, 2014—
: I enjoy writing, but I hate being graded . . .
: I am a social learner, so a distance education approach may be difficult
for me . . .
July 5, 2014—
ENTRY 2: The Role of Correctness in Writing
Your journal will be evaluated according to the following requirements:
• Ideas and content—How accurately and effectively you’ve responded to the entry; your
writing is focused on the topic of the entry and is based on the correct reading assign-
ments in your texts; you’ve effectively engaged with the content of the reading
assignments and composed thoughtful original responses to each entry; when required,
you cited and documented secondary source material appropriately and correctly.
How well you developed your prewriting or organizing entries; all paragraphs
begin with an appropriate topic sentence and are developed fully by using examples, illustra-
tion, and/or evidence; each entry meets the required minimum length.
General Correctness:
How well entries meet the expectations of college-level academic
writing in the following areas:
• Sentence structure
• Grammar
• Word choice and spelling
• Punctuation
How accurately you’ve followed the prescribed format for the journal by including the

required header, entry title and date, and used correct margins, font, and line spacing

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