Issues Criminal Justices leaders face


Note: The issues i picked are Youth Violence, Three Strike Legislation, and Drugs in the community. 


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Using the information gained from a variety of sources (minimum 3 sources), prepare a detailed report on current issues in Criminal Justice Leadership; include various leadership theories and how they apply to criminal justice and historical examples of effective criminal justice leaders, and how they dealt with similar issues.

Grading will be based on the degree to which students meet the following criteria:

Cover page with student’s name, course title and number, and date submitted. Body of paper:

Introduction that provides the purpose of the paper. Discussion of the current issues selected.
Presentation of examples of effective criminal justice leaders.

Reference List

All papers will adhere to APA guidelines. This one is a minimum of five (5) computer-generated, double-spaced 12 point font pages. Margins are to be 1 inch (top, bottom, right, and left). 


*From Teacher*

Project One is:

1. This is a Report (not a term paper) on current issues (you may use any issue, but those listed in our two lists shown in the first “News” announcement, and also listed again in Module One, are preferred) in Criminal Justice Leadership.

2. You are also to included authoritative sources regarding various leadership theories and how they apply to criminal justice, and

3. Historical examples of effective criminal justice leaders and how they dealt with similar issues (you may pick any criminal justice leader – past or present – and elaborate as to how they delt with your chosen issue/s)

REMEMBER: It is a “Report” – not a term paper – just pretend that your “boss” at work has asked for a report of this nature, and do it as you would a work assignment.  The only difference being that your assertions and definitive statements must be corroborated by references and citations from authoritative scholarly sources based on empirical reserach.  Here is a template that may be useful – you may omit the “table of contents” and the “Outline” as suggested in the article linked below the following quote, but please don’t forget to add a required “References” section at the end for your citations:

“While writing a short formal report, you need to follow an outline which includes certain things that are required in business writing. You should first get the title of the report clear. The title should give an idea of what the report is all about. It should also include your name and the course for which you have done the research. The date should also be included, so that it gives a clear idea of when the research was done.

Next, comes the summary or the abstract of the research. It should describe in brief what the report is all about. The abstract should pay attention to the procedure, results, objectives, besides the conclusion. It’s the focal point which holds the report together. Many a time, people don’t read the complete report, but will only go through the abstract, so providing clear information is of utmost importance. It should not be too long; at the most a couple of paragraphs would do . . .

 . . . 
the introduction, which prepares the tone of the formal report. It gives readers the required information in brief, besides helping them to understand the report in the proper context. The introduction also includes an analysis of the theoretical aspect of the research, the basic principles which you want to study and the theory which you apply to get to a conclusion.

This is followed by the methods followed for the research. Here, you need to explain the process which you have followed for getting the desired result. It also includes the details of the result, graphs, and tables which shows the results (if any)
, and how the research relates to theory.

Next comes the discussion, which in reality is the main body of the report. Here, you need to give details of whatever you have written in the introduction. It should provide all supporting information, research, and statistics which back up the process which you have carried out. The discussion should give in-depth details, and while writing it, make sure that readers understand whatever you want to convey.

The discussion is followed by the conclusion, which gives a summary of your findings. It should be a summary and analysis of your research. The appendix comes last (you should title this last section “Reference” for your CJMS 660 Assignmenmt)
, and this would include all the resources which you have used. Here, you need to mention the names of books, publications, and authors whose work you have referred to.

Sample Template

The Title Page:

Title of the report.

Name of the author (i.e. your name).

Name of the course for which the research is done.

Date on which the research is done.


Brief of what the report is all about.

The methods of the research. 

Procedure followed.

Table of Contents 
: (optional)

The appendices and heading.

Page numbers.


An overview of the research carried out.

Objective of the research.

Importance of the research.


Process followed.

Details of the result.

Equations followed. (probably not necessary for Project One in CJMS 660)

Graphs and tables.

Relation between the research and theory.


Critique of the outcome.

Trend of results.


Summary and analysis of the findings.

The numeric results of the research. (probably not necessary for Project One in CJMS 660)

Appendices (we will title this section “References” for Project One in CJMS 660):

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