International Law and Business IP

Deliverable Length: 800–1,000 words


Your company is currently engaged in business activities both nationally and internationally.  A country you are operating in is experiencing riots, strikes by its citizens, unconfirmed violence against its people by the government, and other atrocities. Your physical facilities and products are insured and protected, and your company is attempting to ensure the safety and well-being of your employees. There is talk that possible sanctions may be enforced against the government of this country to halt its activities against its people. Financial performance in this country has been solid, and the forecast is equally looking up. It is your task to write a statement to be presented to your CEO regarding the future of the company’s operations in this country.   Should the company continue regular operations, halt operations based upon the actions of the government, or leave this country as a public show of support for the people?

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Assignment Guidelines:

  • Using the Internet and the library, select a country of your choice that is unfortunately experiencing some of the same issues cited in the description of the assignment. Document your findings and how they could relate to your current business situation.
  • Find at least 2 examples of how international organizations and acts could protect your interests as a foreign-based business and what legal actions you could pursue if your rights were violated. Explain and document your findings. State your opinion regarding the impact of conducting business with this country and the ramifications of doing so or not doing so. State what your recommendations will be to the CEO of your company, and support your recommendation.
  • Compose your findings in a Word document and be sure to cite your sources in APA format.
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