Intellpath (Week2)

Unit 2

There are 3 steps to complete this task.

Step 1: Determine Knowledge (Complete this step by Wednesday)

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  • Click on the intellipath icon in the Left Navigation Bar of your Classroom under the Course Work section to begin.
  • A landing page will appear, scroll down and Click on Start intellipath.
  • Choose Determine Knowledge from the Steps Tab on the left-side of your screen.

Step 2: Learning Path

  • Once you complete the Determine Knowledge follow the instructions to begin working on your Learning Path.
  • Your path will only consist of learning nodes that you need to work on and is individualized for you.
  • You will receive feedback as you work through your path.

Step 3: Practice & Revision

As you are working in your Learning Path you may need to spend additional time in specific areas to improve. You can do this by practicing and revising. Review this document. Click Intellipath for intellipath Suggestions to help guide you on how to Practice and Revise to increase your Knowledge State.

How do I make the most out of the intellipath Experience?

Each week you will want to improve your Knowledge State. You can do this by practicing and revising your work in your learning path. You can improve every phase throughout the entire course.

Choose to Practice when you have a good understanding of the material, but still have room for improvement.

Revise a node when you feel like you need to learn more on a topic. Click on the Revise Button to begin a new lesson on a specific node.

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