How can HR staff work with organizational managers to create an effective incentive and motivation plan to make employees more effective and efficient?

How can HR staff work with organizational managers to create an effective incentive and motivation plan to make employees more effective and efficient?

Use the Argosy University online library and your textbooks to read about HR incentives. Based on your assigned readings for this module, consider the relationship between employee compensation packages and productivity in your current or previous organization.

Next, respond to the following:

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  • What compensation and benefits have been used as incentives for employee productivity and motivation? Provide specific details and show the link between the compensation or benefit and the increased productivity or motivation with facts and figures (without violating any confidentiality rules).
  • Evaluate how effective the compensation and benefits were at motivating employees and increasing productivity.

Support your response with at least two to three scholarly references.

Write your initial response in a minimum of 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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