History Homework Discussion Board

Topic: As you know by this point, the debates over the Compromise of 1850 proved vicious and intense. Read the 3 speeches about the Compromise of 1850 (provided in the Reading & Study folder of Module/Week 8), 1 penned by William Henry Seward (a powerful New York politician), 1 by John C. Calhoun, and 1 by Daniel Webster. Two are against the bill (Seward from an abolitionist perspective and Calhoun from that of slavery), and 1 is in favor of Clay’s bill (Webster). Pay close attention to Seward’s speech, as he references a higher law we must obey. He is referring to God’s Law.

Question: Compare and contrast the arguments of the speeches. Which argument do you find the most compelling? Why? 300 words

I have attached Speeches below. No Plagiarism!!

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