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Abstract 4


In Chapter 9 and 10 we discussed Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco. Your assignment for Abstract 4 is to find and Health related article that you feel relates in some way to Chapter 9 and 10. You will then summarize this article in the context of how it pertains to Health and Wellness.




This article must be obtained from a credible newspaper or magazine source. All articles must be attached to your summary. No summary will be accepted without your article.  This Abstract will be 1.5 pages, double spaced. The Abstract will be evaluated using the following rubric:








Total Points

Completeness of Written Summary





  • Summary written in proper paragraph format. Complete sentences, correct spelling, punctuation, & grammar, were used.
  • Title of article and author’s name are included in the text.  Direct quotes are placed in quotation marks and in MLA or APA format. .









  • Paper addressed all the key ideas presented in the article. Clear examples and facts from the articles are presented to support key ideas.





Analysis & Opinion





  • Paper addressed key ideas he/she agreed or disagreed with. Details and examples to support his/her viewpoint presented throughout paper.








  • Personal opinion about the topic presented throughout paper. A thorough detail to support his/her viewpoint is shared.





Total Points













































































Point value for this Abstract will be based out of 20 total possible points. This Abstract will be due on Thursday May 9th. Abstracts must be printed and turned in date that they are due. I will not accept any abstracts via email.


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