From the second e-Activity, examine the success story of the entrepreneur you selected. Compare the tips for success that Lisa Druxman has recommended against any tips for success that have been recommended by the entrepreneur you selected. Explain whethe

Lisa Druxman is a fitness instructor who developed a series of exercises she could perform while out walking her baby. She taught these workouts to fellow new moms and the company Stroller Strides was born. Druxman’s tips for success include: you create the vision, delegate, partner up, work smart, and get spousal support. Use the Internet to locate a success story of another entrepreneur who has pursued his / her passion to open a successful business (e.g., Mary Kay Ash, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Debbi Fields, etc.).

From the second e-Activity, examine the success story of the entrepreneur you selected. Compare the tips for success that Lisa Druxman has recommended against any tips for success that have been recommended by the entrepreneur you selected. Explain whether you use these tips or not and the results of doing so.

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