Explain the purpose of suggestive selling. What characteristics make up a good server? Provide specific details and examples to support your response.

Explain the purpose of suggestive selling. What characteristics make up a good server? Provide specific details and examples to support your response.


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Unless otherwise indicated, there is a 200 word minimum response required.

  • Credible reference materials, including your course textbook(s), may be used to complete the assessment. 
    • If you have questions regarding the credibility of your reference, please contact your professor.
  • APA Information
    • In-text and reference citations are required for allwritten responses. 
    • REQUIRED FOR UPLOADED ASSIGNMENTS ONLY:   title page, margins, header, double spacing, and hanging indentation
    • For questions concerning APA formatting, please refer to the APA Guidelines found at the Student Resources link on your Course Menu.
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