

DQ 1  250 words


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The purpose of this discussion is to contrast theories, evidence, beliefs and biases. Prepare and post a response to the following questions:


  1. Define what a theory is. What is the goal of a theory? What are the components of a theory?
  2. Describe how we know if a theory is valid. What is evidence or data? Where does evidence/data come from? What role does evidence/data play in understanding a theory?
  3. Contrast a theory from a personal belief. What are the practical uses for a theory, and what are the practical uses for beliefs? Which is more likely to represent a bias, a theory or a belief? Explain.


Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length




DQ 2   250 words


The purpose of this discussion is to investigate the ethical theories of Western philosophical thought. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt:


  1. Identify the three dominant ethical theories in Western philosophy, and define each of the ethical theories. Your definitions should contrast the theories based on how each would evaluate an action to determine if it is good or virtuous.
  2. Explain and compare what duties each theory would impose on an individual who aims to act in a way that is good or virtuous.


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