Ethical Decision making

Deliverable Length: 2–3 pages

Key Assignment Draft

Problem Scenario A: Ethical Dilemma

Problem Scenario B: Company Merger

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Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business.

The merger between UWEAR and PALEDENIM is complete, and this project is nearing completion. Prior to the end of the project, you will need to help UWEAR and PALEDENIM develop and implement code of conduct policies to cover the issues that you have encountered during your work with them.

For each of the 3 situations, discuss the following:

  • Identify the situation and state why you think that a policy is necessary.
  • What is the policy that you will establish to help prevent each situation from happening in the future?

For your code of conduct in general, discuss the following:

  • What reporting and investigative measures will you put into place?
  • What enforcement and punitive measures will be included?
  • What type of governing structure will you propose for an ethics committee for UWEAR and PALEDENIM?
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