D2L Pearson writting Lab

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I have ENC1101 and my professor expects my class to do 8 modules and a mastery check to demonstrate

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mastery after all the 8 modules in D2L Pearson Writting Lab,


I don’t have time to log on and do it due to always being at work and meetings.


It’s is 8 modules, in each module you take little quizes to see what you need help in.


After it shows what you need help in it will give you mini lessons and activities its short.


If you are good with English it should be easy for you.


I started on the pre quiz and started on the first module but wasnt able to finish.


I expect to all 8 Modules be done completely and the mastery check test.


If any questions feel free to ask me, I will provide link, username and login after contact.


In attachment I took a picture of how the modules look.


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