crime control and due process models 1

The crime control and due process models represent opposing views of the purpose of the criminal justice system. The tenets of each model influence all levels of the system from police procedure to correctional policy.

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During Earl Warren’s term as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, the Court made several landmark decisions that drastically altered the procedures followed by police and prosecutors. Among these were the decisions handed down in the Mapp, Miranda, Gideon, and Escobedo cases.

Keeping the differences of the two models in mind, prepare a 5- to 6-page document in Microsoft Word which addresses the following points:

  • Which model is evident in the above-referenced decisions of the Warren Court? Give proper reasoning and also analyze how these decisions can affect police procedures.
  • What are the significant operational differences between the crime control model and the due process model? Also, how do the police, court, or correctional procedures differ depending on which model is being followed?
  • Which model seems to be currently in effect in the United States? Explain.
  • What is the impact of each model on victims of crime? Explain.
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